Sunday, September 18, 2011

Launch Day!

I'm skipping ahead in the blog posts, since I've been too busy building.  I'll post more about the last bits of construction when the sailing season is over. We successfully sailed in some light wind.  Didn't even get the wrinkles out of the sail, but was just enough wind to be great practice for the first time sailors like ourselves.  I should get more good sailing days in before it gets too cold and rainy.

The boat performed well, except ...  there was little too much weather helm I think.  I'm going to try to raise the CB slightly next time to cut down on that.  She floats a little lower than I anticipated.  Hopefully her scuppers won't be underwater with 4 people aboard.  (I'm going to test that next weekend.)  Also, the rudder vibrated at about 2Hz whenever we got up to speed.  I think it's because I didn't tighten the pivot bolt enough.  I tightened the pivot bolt and will see if that solved the problem next time out.  The rudder raising tackle needs some tweaking too.

I lost a bolt that attaches the boom vang, so I couldn't test that out.  I will next weekend though.

The neighbor snapped a pic of us driveway sailing on launch day.

Just arrived at the boat ramp.  The locals have a different philosophy regarding the size of a towing rig.
I felt the need to decorate the tow rig so it would appear more legit.

After the mast is stepped in the parking lot, the tow rig pulls around to the boat ramp.
Easing her into the water for the first time.

Bobbing up and down at the dock for the first time.

She floats high enough to not take water through her transom scuppers.  Whew!

Not enough wind to take the wrinkles out of the main sail.
The wife at the helm.

The wife tending the jib sheet.  She's on the leeward side since there isn't much wind.

Sailing by south waterfront of downtown Portland.


  1. Hurray, congratulations! Your boat looks just stunning, I hope you enjoy sailing her as much as I enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Well done Ryan - a fantastic job and a great reference for the rest of us who are pottering away in our own garages! Thanks for putting it all down on the blog.
    Happy sailing.
    Brian, Malawi

  3. did you bring your new fishing steel rod?

  4. Hi Geary. Its now almost two years since you launched your boat. (beautiful job by the way). Now that you've been sailing it for a while, is there anything you'd do differently during the construction?

    I've just started building a TS14 in Sydney and have been encouraged to read through your construction blog - thanks for posting all the photos and information. It is very helpful.
    I was thinking that I would do the following things differently to what you had done and am wondering what you thought of my proposed changes:
    1. Taking the side combings out to the gunnel as per plan. That way the seats can be narrower than yours, allowing for more cockpit room between the seats.
    2. Keeping the cabin entry step to below the height of the centreboard case to allow for easier cabin entry & egress.
    3. Widening the sides of the cabin entrance to allow for a more open feel. I realise this will make it harder to close up the cabin but Sydney's weather is probably much milder that where you live.
    4. Do you have any observations regarding sail area? Is it under/over powered or just right?
    5. Is the rig balanced nicely when the board is fully down (ie balanced helm) or do you need to rake your centreboard to take weather helm off the rudder?
    I would love to hear your thoughts before I get too far into the build. Cheers, Len

    1. Hi Len. David from Rockhampton, Queensland. Did you finish the TS14? I have just purchased a built one 5 May 2023. Same colours as the one in this Blog. I have started a Facebook page for them "Hartley TS14" come and join. David

  5. If you need titanium rod, you can contact me

  6. Hi. I purchased a TS14 on 5 May 2023 already built. It is the same colours as your boat! Shazzam!
